Mouse and Keyboard

Send Keystrokes

This activity sends text to application as a series of keyboard characters typed one at a time (simulates human behavior).
Fill in the application custom internal name. Choose delay between characters (in milliseconds, 1ms=1/1000s).

There is Send Keys Type parameter in a Properties window. In most cases there is no need to change anything (let the Default option stay). Choose SendWait option when the scenario should wait for any processes started by the keystroke before moving to the next activity.


Send Keystrokes activity allows you to send to application not only a simple text (in double quotation marks) or variable, but also special characters (that are not displayed when you press a key and represent rather actions then characters - such as Enter key, arrow keys, Home key, Del key and so on). The special codes are in following table.


To specify repeating keys put number after key, e.g. {BS 6} means: press Backspace key 6 times, {RIGHT 2} means: press right arrow key 2 times.

Using this activity you can send key combinations as well, see examples in the table below.


As plus sign (+), caret (^), tilde (~), percent sign (%) have special meaning in Send Keystrokes activity, to send such sign you have to enclose it within braces, e.g. {%}.

Acquired TextStringOutputtext input by user
Alternative Scenario If FailedBooleanInputcheckbox; default is "on"
Application NameStringInputcustom internal name Wizlink will use to identify the application window
Delay [ms]Int32Inputwaiting time between sending characters (in milliseconds)
Display NameLiteralInputchanges display name of the activity
Exclude from Transaction CheckBooleanInputcheckbox; default is "off"
KeystrokesStringInputstring of characters to be sent
ResultBooleanOutputreturns a Boolean value. True if no error in activity, otherwise will return False
Result CodeInt32OutputResult Code will return 0 if there is no error in activity, otherwise in most cases will return 1. See the table of Extended Result Codes for more info
Send Keys TypeDropdownInputselect the appropriate option from the dropdown list