

Activity allows for the addition of a Wizlink Plugin to a scenario.

Plugins are custom software components that expand Wizlink’s capabilities and add extra functionalities to the scenario.


To use a plugin in a scenario, first choose a Plugin Source depending on where the plugin is located.

Local Folder plugins can be found in individuals folders at C:\ProgramData\Wizlink2\Plugins\Local. This location can also be accessed from Wizlink Folder->Plugins in Wizlink’s menu bar.

After clicking on the Plugin dropdown, a list of available plugins will be displayed. The circular arrow button will refresh the list, if necessary.


Direct File Path can also be used as a plugin source. Copy and paste a direct path to the plugin’s main .wll file into the Plugin File Path field.

Note: Direct File Path requires a Literal path, not a String variable.


Wizlink plugins can also be sourced from BCC. Plugin name can be filled in directly. Clicking on the arrow pointing down icon will also bring up a list of all currently available plugins.

Note: For more information on how to upload a plugin file to BCC see Plugins.

Instance is the custom internal name of a plugin. Giving each instance of a plugin an unique name allows for significantly shorter operation time and reduced memory consumption. It is especially useful if the same plugin will be called multiple times and used to handle large-volume files.
On the other hand, some plugins may require you to use the same instance name when calling multiple related methods in the same scenario.

Method allows for selection of an action/procedure that is to be performed. Selecting a method will usually bring up more, plugin-specific, parameters.


Note: see also Wizlink Plugins Manual.

Acquired TextStringOutputtext input by user
Alternative Scenario If FailedBooleanInputcheckbox; default is "on"
BCC Plugin NameStringInputplugin name in BCC
Display NameLiteralInputchanges display name of the activity
Exclude from Transaction CheckBooleanInputcheckbox; default is "off"
Instance nameStringInputcustom internal name for that particular plugin in order to use in Wizlink (optional parameter)
Method-Inputa procedure to perform, choose it from dropdown list
Plugin File PathStringInputdirectory path to a file (file name and extension included)
Plugin NameStringInput.wll or .dll file name
Plugin SourceDropdownInputselect the appropriate option from the dropdown list
ResultBooleanOutputreturns a Boolean value. True if no error in activity, otherwise will return False
Result CodeInt32OutputResult Code will return 0 if there is no error in activity, otherwise in most cases will return 1. See the table of Extended Result Codes for more info