Microsoft Excel

Run Macro

Fill the WorkbookName position with custom internal name of your Excel file. Enter a name of the macro. Specify how long Wizlink will wait for the macro to finish (set the time in seconds in Max Execution Time parameter). If macro doesn't complete the action in given time - the activity will return False.

Activity does not provide for handling macro-triggered windows - the appearing window will stop the activity and set Result to False.

Acquired TextStringOutputtext input by user
Alternative Scenario If FailedBooleanInputcheckbox; default is "on"
Display NameLiteralInputchanges display name of the activity
Exclude from Transaction CheckBooleanInputcheckbox; default is "off"
Macro nameStringInputmacro name
Max Execution TimeDoubleInputmaximum execution time; if exceeded, activity assumed to fail
Workbook NameStringInputcustom internal name Wizlink will use to identify the workbook
ResultBooleanOutputreturns a Boolean value. True if no error in activity, otherwise will return False
Result CodeInt32OutputResult Code will return 0 if there is no error in activity, otherwise in most cases will return 1. See the table of Extended Result Codes for more info