
Input Text

Activity used to communicate with a business user. Should be used in attended robots.
Write down an instruction in the Prompt box (remember of double quotes) or in Selected Element Properties. Declare a variable and put it in the Selected Element Properties window (Output > Text). The variable will take the value of the information entered. This activity returns a blue box with instruction/question you wrote and a text box where one should put an answer.

Alternative Scenario If FailedBooleanMisccheckbox; default is "on"
Display NameLiteralMiscchanges display name of the activity
Exclude from Transaction CheckBooleanMisccheckbox; default is "off"
Acquired TextStringOutputtext input by user
PromptStringInputprompt to display in Wizlink box
ResultBooleanOutputreturns a Boolean value. True if no error in activity, otherwise will return False
Result CodeInt32OutputResult Code will return 0 if there is no error in activity, otherwise in most cases will return 1. See the table of Extended Result Codes for more info