
This group of activities supports lists and dictionaries.

Click on activity in left hand side menu (group: Collection Management) to learn more about it.


    • Lists are used to store multiple data in a single variable. Lists items are indexed. Lists allow duplicated elements. The new element added to the list will be placed at the end of the list. You can change, add or remove items from the list after it has been created. List items can be of any data type (you should specify the type of data before creating a list), a list can even contain different data types (you should use WizlinkData type there).
    • Dictionaries are used to store multiple data in a single variable (every entry is a pair: key-value). You can refere to by using key name. The key name cannot be duplicated. You can change, add or remove items from the dictionary after it has been created. Dictionary's items (keys and values) can be of any data type . You should specify types of data before creating a dictionary.