Bot Control Center

Get Credentials

The activity gets credentials from BCC.

All saved credentials are hold in Credential Manager - the feature that stores sign-in information for web, apps and networks. Holding credentials in one safe place, outside of the scenario, allows you to pass scenarios to users without the risk of compromising the security of sensitive information.

Alternative Scenario If FailedBooleanMisccheckbox; default is "on"
Display NameLiteralMiscchanges display name of the activity
CommentStringOutputvariable that stores the comment retrived from the BCC
Credential NameStringInputcredential name
PasswordStringOutputpassword (string expression)
Robot IDint32Inputrobot ID (in BCC)
UsernameStringOutputusername (string expression)
Exclude from Transaction CheckBooleanMisccheckbox; default is "off"
ResultBooleanOutputreturns a Boolean value. True if no error in activity, otherwise will return False
Result CodeInt32OutputResult Code will return 0 if there is no error in activity, otherwise in most cases will return 1. See the table of Extended Result Codes for more info