
Get Single E-mail

Activity checks the inbox of an indicated address and access the contents of the earliest email.

Activity does not differentiate between main inbox and inbox subfolders, if present.

To use the activity fill in the correct Login/Sender Email and Password for the email you want to access, as well as Protocol, Encryption method, Server Address and Port according to the email server’s settings.

Check Delete Source Message to delete the email after reading and be able to access the next one.

NOTE: IMAP protocol is recommended due to POP3 protocol's limitations. Deleting an email using POP3 protocol requires a full disconnect and some servers place a limit on number of re-connects allowed in a fixed timeframe.


Check Save Message to save downloaded message (with attachments, if present) to hard drive. Message will be saved at Target Save Folder. Check Short Message Folder Name if resulting file path is too long for Windows requirements.

If attachment file names contain illegal characters (brackets, slashes etc), they will be replaced with an underscore.

Activity returns Message ID, Message Received Timestamp, Title (message subject), Body (message contents), From (sender), To (original recipient), CC (additional recipients), Reply To (original reply recipient), Saved Message Path and Saved Attachments Paths (paths to where message and eventual attachments were saved to hard drive)


NOTE: It's recommended that the email address is reserved for robot use.

Google & Microsoft OAuth

To use the activity with a Gmail or Microsoft email follow the respective manual for setting up the account for an external application’s access.

Acquired TextStringOutputtext input by user
Alternative Scenario If FailedBooleanInputcheckbox; default is "on"
Application IDStringInputstring expression from Azure Active Directory (applies to Microsoft services) or Google Cloud (applies to Google services) obtained after the application registration process
BodyStringOutputcontent of the message
CCStringOutputaddress of the secondary recipient
Client SecretStringInputstring expression from Google Cloud obtained after the application registration process
Delete from ServerBooleanInputcheckbox; default is "off"
Display NameLiteralInputchanges display name of the activity
Encryption MethodDropdownInputselect encryption method from the dropdown list
Exclude from Transaction CheckBooleanInputcheckbox; default is "off"
FromStringOutputsender address
Local Folder Source PathStringInputpath to the directory or file, where from you download email (Source: Directory/File)
Message IdStringOutputmessage ID
Message Received Time StampDateTimeOutputtimestamp of received message
PasswordStringInputpassword (string expression)
PortInt32Inputport number
ProtocolDropdownInputselect the appropriate option from the dropdown list
ProviderDropdownInputselect email provider from the dropdown list
Reply ToString[]Outputoriginal Reply To address
ResultBooleanOutputreturns a Boolean value. True if no error in activity, otherwise will return False
Result CodeInt32OutputResult Code will return 0 if there is no error in activity, otherwise in most cases will return 1. See the table of Extended Result Codes for more info
Save MessageBooleanInputcheckbox; default is "off"
Saved Attachments PathsString[]Outputfile paths to attachment files
Saved Message PathStringOutputdirectory path to a file (file name and extension included)
Server AddressStringInputaddress of e-mail server the robot logs on to
Short Message Folder NameBooleanInputcheckbox, default is "off"
Target Save FolderStringInputfolder on computer disk where messages will be saved (direct path or variable)
Tenant IDStringInputstring expression from Azure Active Directory obtained after the application registration process
Timeout [s]Int32Inputset time in seconds to connect to email server
TitleStringOutputtitle of the message
ToStringOutputemail address of recipient
Use OAuthBooleanInputcheckbox; default is "off"